Pest Control Services

Signs you need to fumigate your house

Previously, the home remedies might have worked. But what if your pest problem has grown to a point that fumigation in Karachi is the only solution left? You will be able to know this only if you call the experts to have a tour of your house. 

There are many ways to tell that fumigation will do the best job of removing the pests. If your home is more than ten years old and you notice multiple areas of insect infestation, then it will be best for you to search about fumigation and its services because there are chances only that can get you rid of pests and insects. If you are no expert, then it will not be easy to tell whether fumigation is best or not. However, looking at these specific signs pointing towards bug infestation might help you make a decision. 

What exactly is home fumigation?

The very first step is to understand exactly what home fumigation is. Structural fumigation is a special tool used by pest control exterminators to kill damaging insects that are hard to get rid of by all the other methods. When you decide to choose home fumigation, know that your entire house is covered with a tent. However, in some areas, fumigation is actually referred to as “tenting”. Then, once the structure is properly sealed off, an insecticide gas or poisonous gas is released inside the tent. The gas is trapped inside the structure and is able to reach the “hard-to-reach” areas as well. This saturation is the reason fumigation is so successful at eliminating pests because the gas is able to reach all areas and places. 

Since, the gases used in fumigation are toxic to humans, pets, and plants, you must be prepared to evacuate your home for a few days and find a place to live until your home is ready. You must also remember to remove all food from the home or seal it in protective bags provided by the pest control service. Your exterminator will instruct you on how to prepare for fumigation. The professionals will also notify you when it is safe to re-enter your home. 

Signs You Need to Fumigate Your Home for Termites

Termites are dangerous, irritating, and sneaky creatures and can multiply inside a home for months without detection. After their number reaches a certain size, they begin to make themselves known. You may be able to see their tiny, papery wings scattered on windowsills or baseboards. This is because the swarmer shed their wings before mating, which results in this. After they mate, they again settle back into your home to dine on more wood of your furniture. 

Signs You Need to Fumigate Your Home for Wood-Boring Beetles

These insects want to infest hardwoods, such as ash, hickory, oak, mahogany, and walnut. Wood-boring beetles tend to choose them over softer woods because hardwoods have higher nutritional content and the pores are needed to lay their eggs. It is said that powderpost beetles get their name from the piles of waste their larvae leave behind. Then, it is composed of both feces and wood fragments and has the consistency of baby powder or wheat flour too.